Cappuccino and Latte: Understanding Espresso's Most Famous Faces

Cappuccino: The Structured Classic

A cappuccino boasts a 1:1:1 ratio of coffee, milk, and foam, delivering a balanced and strong espresso taste.

Latte: Creamy and Mild

Lattes offer a creamier texture with more steamed milk and a milder coffee flavor compared to cappuccinos.

Barista's Artistry: Foam and Flavor

The quality of a cappuccino or latte greatly depends on the barista's skill in frothing milk and layering the drink.

Coffee Cousins: From Flat Whites to Cortados

Discover other espresso and milk concoctions like the flat white and cortado, each with its own unique appeal.

Espresso vs. Regular Coffee

Espresso forms the intense base of both drinks, using beans that are darker and more finely ground than regular coffee.

Health and Taste: Milk Matters

Choose your milk wisely—different types can change the health profile and flavor of your cappuccino or latte.

Your Personal Taste Test

Decide whether the stronger coffee punch of a cappuccino or the mellow smoothness of a latte suits your preference.

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Whether you're team cappuccino or team latte, learn how to distinguish and enjoy these espresso classics.