Espresso Mastery: Slow Down Your Shot for the Ultimate Brew

The Secret to a Perfect Espresso Shot

Achieve the ideal espresso consistency by fine-tuning grind size, coffee dose, and tamp pressure.

The Culprit: Pulling Too Fast

Speedy espresso shots indicate a need for adjustment in your coffee-making routine.

Grind Size: The First Fix

For a slower pull and richer flavor, switch to a finer grind size for your espresso beans.

Coffee Dose: The Golden Range

Aim for 17.5 to 18.1 grams of ground espresso for a double basket to perfect your pull.

Tamp Pressure: The Final Adjustment

Even pressure while tamping ensures fewer air pockets and a beautifully balanced espresso.

Avoiding Channeling

Even coffee distribution and gentle handling reduce channeling for a consistent shot.

Dialing in Machine Pressure

Setting your machine's pressure to around 9 bars can prevent overly aggressive water flow.

Troubleshooting Tips

For watery shots, try a finer grind; and for under-extraction, adjust grind, brew time, and tamp.

Timing Your Espresso

The optimal espresso shot should take between 25 to 30 seconds to pour.

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Master the art of espresso with our simple guide to slow down your shot and savor the taste.